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제목: Acoustic and linguistic aspects of pitch accent imitation
발표: Kuniko Nielsen(Oakland University)
일시: 6월 25일 화요일 10시 30분
장소: 신양관 국제회의실 (4동 302호)
초록: Studies in phonetic imitation have shown that speakers spontaneously imitate phonetic patterns to which they are exposed (e.g., Goldinger, 1998; Babel, 2012; Kwon, 2019). However, it is still unclear what aspects of the speech signal speakers are responding to when they change their speech behavior: specific acoustic values, linguistically-interpreted targets, or some combination. To explore this issue, we conducted two imitation experiments, one in which participants were exposed to a linguistically-salient manipulated pitch accent realization, and one in which participants were exposed to a linguistically-less-salient overall pitch difference. Phonetic imitation might target acoustic values of the speech signal, leading participants to converge acoustically toward the low f0 and fast speech rate of the model taker. On the other hand, it might target linguistic patterns in the stimuli, leading participants to imitate the enhanced pitch accent in f0 and duration, even if it would result in acoustic divergence. Our results showed that participants converged to the model talker in both linguistically-interpreted targets and acoustic values, but the patterns varied across the phonetic features and tasks. A wide individual variability in the patterns and degree of convergence was also observed, revealing that phonetic imitation is modulated by structural properties of the stimuli, experimental task, and talker variability in speech processing.
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붙임 1. 2025년도 1학기 신규장학생 학생 신청 매뉴얼(학생용) 1부
2. 중소기업 취업연계(희망사다리1) 장학생 선발 기준(학내기준) 1부
3. 2025년 중소기업 취업연계 장학사업 업무처리기준 등 각 1부. 끝.